
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

happy hallow's eve

When I was seven years old I came up with the idea that everyone in my trick or treat group had to dress according to one consistent theme. At that time, the easiest one to pull off was “things on a farm,” so as our merry band of candy hunters gathered together, we had a bunny, two fruits, a bird, a scarecrow, and a few farmers in our midst. Looking back, I realize that was pretty extreme for a second grader but for some reason, it just felt right to plan out our costumes that way. Since then, Halloween has always been a big to-do for me. I even used to joke that it was my national holiday!

So when I discovered that Anna was just as into costume themes and ideas, I knew I had found a kindred spirit. I love how she gets a thrill out of setting everything just right—and how doing so isn’t stressful, and just flows naturally. I actually have a very all-or-nothing attitude towards Halloween these days (to do anything half-way would not do it justice!). And since I haven’t had the energy to go full throttle, I’m glad I can live vicariously through her amazing creations.

So in honor of one of the most fun-filled holidays of the year, allow me to share a few snippets from Anna's greatest hits collection. Hope you enjoy your candy and this “Halloween Retrospective”:D

Trick or treat!




  1. Hi girls! Where's the Like button? Love this post! Too bad I no longer fit in my Dorothy costume! :)

    1. thanks, my dear! maybe you'll still fit into your catwoman pants :) our nyc halloween parade experience was one of my all-time faves—and i'll never forget our subway in full costume moment :D

  2. thanks for sharing! hahaha i love one of the themes - little mermaid
    where the yaya's white uniform plays a pinoy!

    1. hahaha thanks, carliloo! you wanted to BE the little mermaid before! i love the jellyfish umbrella also. too funny!

  3. Love this post Tata and Anna! Congratulations on your blog!

    1. Thanks, Venisse! Isn’t it fun to play dress up? :)
