
Monday, October 29, 2012

yummy mommies

Here’s the honest truth: I only ever have to plan meal menus when my parents and older sister are abroad (the time I lived in NY hardly counts as dinner always meant something I could eat in one bowl with a fork). The rest of the year I dabble at whipping up side dishes, experimenting with desserts or merienda, pulling together streamlined potluck events, and dreaming up dinner party and come-for-brunch menus. 

So when Yummy’s newly christened editor-in-chief Liz Yap asked me to profile different moms and their grocery, menu planning, and meal preparation habits, I approached the assignment as an archeologist would. I went deep into the wild, observed, and processed my findings.

I wanted to cover a broad spectrum of make-it-happen moms, and was lucky enough to have four fab friends give into the pressure of being my subjects: a single mom slash hip grandma, a mommy to a huge brood of five, one who needs to factor in the special needs of a child with health concerns, and a busy executive assistant at a pr/advertising firm.

 I was in awe of their many little tips and tricks and as I said on the Yummy contributor’s page: coming up with family meals is part military operation, part magician’s touch! But my favorite part was discovering that there really is no “right” way to go about things and (as all of the subjects were relieved to hear) it’s all about finding what works best for you and your brood. (So to all of your one bowl + fork cooks out there, be not ashamed!)

Incidentally, Anna was one of my originally reluctant subjects. And of course, I’m making—I mean, asking—her to share some of her thoughts on the matter again here. Thanks, Anna! And thanks to Krissy, Jing, and Zara—the other yummy mommies who so kindly let me into their hearth and home.


P.S. Here’s what Anna has to say :)

Thank you, Tata, for this feature. It actually made me think more about how things work at home, since at this point I really have been going by feel.  I learned to be more grateful for the people who help me get everything done, and it showed me that we’re all just trying to make things work in the best way we can.  I loved the tips from the other moms, and how the common denominator is that all of it is done out of love. I don’t claim to be a fabulous cook, but I can rely on thoughtful and fun details like cookie cutters shapes for sandwiches and Japanese soy sauce containers so my kids feel their meals are happy thoughts from mom. 

(Check out the full feature entitled "Feeding the Fold" in the October 2012 issue of Yummy magazine!) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's always good to hear from other moms, as it helps put into perspective your own practices. I am a mom of 3, I live in Toronto, Canada, I work a full-time job, I blog and do food styling & photography on the side. Sometimes, I wish I has a house helper to ease the work, but I don't have that luxury. However, at the end of the day, I am grateful that I am healthy and able to do what I do! This is a wonderful tribute to busy mom's around the world!

    1. Wow, hats off to you! And you’re right--all moms deserve a big tribute for their fantastic juggling acts!
